I Want To

City Council

Q. When and where are city council meetings held and how do I obtain an agenda?

A. For meeting dates and times, please see City Council.

Q. How can I have an issue placed on the City Council meeting agenda?

A. Please see the Request to be on City Council Agenda.


Q. How do I obtain permitting information?

A. Please see Permits.

Q. How do I obtain permitting to host a public event?

A. Please complete an Event Action Plan form and mail or drop it off at City Hall.


Q. What do I do if I need to register a pet or have lost a pet?

A. Please visit our Animal Control Page.

Public Information Requests

Q. How do I make a public information request?

A. Please see Public Information Request.

Trash and Recycle

Q. What day will my Trash and or Recycle be picked up?

A. Please see Waste and Recycle.

Q. Where can I take the items that can not be picked up with the regular trash service?

A. Please see Waste and Recycle.

Water and Sewer

Q. How do I pay my city utility bill?

A. Please see Pay Water Bill.

Q. How do I establish new service?

A. Please see Request New Service.